There are some of us who live to travel, explore, and make a new community wherever we set foot; and that staying still is the hardest thing to do. Many of these people have found a way to make a living from their travels through vlogs. What’s a vlog? Essentially, it’s a video blog. These seven adventure vloggers routinely record their lives through 4K films or GoPro selfies so we can live vicariously through them. The viewer gets to join them on their never-ending journeys from the safety of our home. Sometimes, it even inspires us to go on our...

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There are 419 national parks in the United States spanning across more than 84 million acres. Most of us have heard about or visited Yellowstone and Yosemite, Rocky Mountain National Park and Zion National Park. They are popular for a reason. What about the national parks that are underrated? They don’t get the spotlight often and we want to highlight five that we think deserve some notoriety.

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Online education is growing and with everything going virtual right now, it’s the best time to hone your skills for your next outdoor adventure. While you’re staying at home, it doesn’t mean you can’t continue educating yourself on your passions so you come out of this with more knowledge.

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