If you want to get out in nature like we do and Mom’s able to, we brainstormed a list of outdoor adventures that are guaranteed to create lasting memories. Here is a list of outdoor activity ideas you can do with Mom while staying six feet away.
One person can make a difference in taking care of the earth and it doesn’t have to be just one day. We can implement these steps every day of our lives. We’ve also included the first step you can take toward changing your habits. Have fun with it!
The thought of planning an adventure right now sounds like an almost impossible task. We aren’t sure when travel restrictions will be lifted or the best place to go. Eventually, all this will subside. We’ll be back to traveling and exploring again.
We remember our experiences over things. For example, when did you get the shirt you are wearing right now? How many times have you worn it? Chances are you don’t know because you don’t remember. So, when was the last time you went snowboarding? Where’d you go? Who were you with? You’re probably going to tell a story most people would like to hear. Things, gizmos, and gadgets don’t stick in our memories like experiences do. We’re going to ask, “What did you do over the weekend?” before we ask, “What did you buy over the weekend?” No one cares...
For those of us who spend time outside most days of the week, a study like the 2019 Journal of Nature Scientific Reports linking time spent outside to an increased sense of well-being isn’t revelatory. Dozens of studies correlate spending time in nature with greater rates of health and happiness and lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, mental health problems and more. But this most recent report suggests two hours per week as the minimum time a, person needs to spend time in nature to reap these rewards. According to the study, those who spent at least two...
Journeying through a remote region of northeastern Afghanistan, untouched by the war and preserved from the Taliban regime, this story pays tribute to the ancient culture of this land