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If you’re looking for adventure grants and scholarships for guides, then you came to the right spot. Below, you’ll find a list of all types of adventures (in alphabetical order). We’ll continue to add to the list as we find more opportunities for guides. If you know of one, send Jessica a message: jessica [at] exploreorigin [dot] com

Adventure Guide Scholarships
American Alpine Club
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Catalyst: A Grant For Change
Its Purpose: To provide BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with both seen and unseen disabilities the funds to help them overcome barriers, adapt to disabilities, and reach ambitious climbing goals.
What it covers: Award amounts will be determined by the selection committee. The maximum amount awarded to an individual is $1,000. Teams will be awarded between $250 and $750 per person.
- Individuals and teams (2 – 4 people) of all ages, all experience levels, and all climbing disciplines who face barriers to accessing climbing resources and identify as a member of an underrepresented group within the climbing community; Such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, climbers with disabilities, and others.
- Teams will apply on one application.
- The climb/expedition must accurately demonstrate a progression in skills and experience and outline a specific attainable goal.
- Objective must be in the U.S. (includes Alaska and Hawaii).
- Applicant(s) must be U.S. citizens or green card holders to apply.
- Applications are considered for trips that occur within one year of the application award date.
- Two categories will be recognized, with different criteria for each. Individual/team expeditions and program creation projects will be judged separately, and applications that demonstrate community engagement shall be weighted more heavily.
- Applicants do not have to be current AAC members. One year AAC membership will be included as part of the award.
- Objectives involving climbers who are supported financially by corporate sponsors will not be considered. However, proposals from “amateur” climbers who have received in-kind corporate support (e.g., gear) will be considered, but support levels must be disclosed.
Scholarship Opens: Mid-January
Deadline: February 28
Cutting Edge Grant
Its Purpose: To fund advanced climbing athletes in pursuit of world-class climbing and mountaineering objectives.
What it covers: Cutting Edge Grant awards are intended to more significantly contribute towards total expedition costs. Awards will typically fall in the $5,000 to $15,000 range, however award amounts will vary based on project and budget.
Qualifications: Proposals will be evaluated upon:
- Goal. The Cutting Edge Grant seeks to fund individuals planning expeditions to remote areas featuring unexplored mountain ranges, unclimbed peaks, difficult new routes, first free ascents, or similar world-class pursuits. Objectives featuring a low-impact style and leave-no-trace mentality will be looked upon with favor.
- Experience. Applicants should possess a strong resume of past climbing achievements and/or experiences that illustrate their ability to have a reasonable potential for success. He or she must demonstrate that they are an advanced and capable climber. Experience must be in keeping with the difficulty of the stated objective.
- Eligibility. Individuals who are U.S. citizens and members of the American Alpine Club are eligible to apply. The Cutting Edge Grant is open to all climbing athletes, including those receiving financial support or in-kind support from corporate sponsors, however the level of sponsorship must be disclosed. Other team members need not be U.S. citizens.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: December 31
Jones Backcountry Adventure Grant & Live Like Liz Award
Its Purpose: To encourage human-powered exploration of the winter wilderness by motivated amateur backcountry snowboarders.
What it covers: Two $1,500 awards plus a Jones splitboard, skins and backpack to the grant recipients.
- The project objective may focus on a single descent/summit or a tour/traverse of a region.
- Project proposals will be considered based on remoteness, exploratory nature, carbon footprint, creativity and overall significance. Objectives may be a single line/peak or a tour/traverse of a wider region.
- All expeditions must be conducted in an environmentally conscious and sound approach, with care and respect for local inhabitants and wildlife. Additionally, all expeditions must be legal and obtain all necessary permits required by local authorities.
- Project location must be in North America.
- Project must be completed prior to the end of the calendar year.
- The grant applicant must be a U.S. citizen. Expedition partners may be foreign citizens.
- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and complete legal liability releases.
- Projects involving riders who are professionally sponsored or supported financially by corporate sponsors will not be considered. Proposals from “amateur” riders that receive only in-kind corporate support will be considered, but support level should be disclosed.
- The applicant and their partners’ overall splitboarding experience level must match the proposed objective.
- Applicant’s proven photo/video/writing experience plus social media experience will also be considered.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: January 1
The Live Your Dream grant
Its Purpose: For individuals who have a personally ambitious climbing goal, a desire to take their abilities to the next level, and want to share the power of exploration with their communities.
What it covers: Live Your Dream grant awards vary depending upon the prospective project and budget, but typically fall within the $200 to $1,000 range.
- The project must accurately demonstrate a progression in skills and experience and outline a specific obtainable yet personally difficult goal. The objective should be at the edge of your physical and technical ability level. However, your individual experience level should be appropriate for the proposed objective.
- Live Your Dream grants are for all ages, all ability levels and all climbing disciplines—ski mountaineering, peak bagging, mountain running, or any other challenging endeavor included.
- Live Your Dream grants are awarded to individuals only. If you are attempting a project as part of a team, your teammates may apply separately.
- Applications are considered for projects that occur within one year of the application award date.
- Projects involving climbers who are supported financially by corporate sponsors will not be considered. However, proposals from “amateur” climbers who have received in-kind corporate support (e.g., gear) will be considered, but support levels must be disclosed.
- Applicants must be US citizens or green card holders to apply.
Scholarship Opens: Mid-January
Deadline: February 28
Mcneill-Nott Award
Its Purpose: To preserve the spirit of Sue Nott and her partner Karen McNeill by giving grants to amateur female climbers exploring new routes or unclimbed peaks with small and lightweight teams.
What it covers: Two or three grants totaling $5,000 will be awarded annually to amateur teams that best meet the criteria for pursuing an exploratory objective.
The Award focuses on projects that have strong exploratory and adventuresome mountaineering objectives. These elements are more important than the technical rating of the climbing objective.
- This grant is only open to female applicants (all women or women identified people are welcome to apply).
- Membership in The American Alpine Club is required.
- The grant applicant must be a U.S. citizen, though team members may be foreign citizens.
- Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and complete legal liability releases.
- All expeditions must be legal and obtain all necessary visas and permits required by local authorities.
- All expeditions must be conducted in an environmentally conscious and sound approach, and with care and respect for local inhabitants.
- The judges consider the proposed climbing objectives’ compelling nature, remoteness, exploratory nature, and the overall significance. Acceptable objectives could range from exploring hidden Alaskan gems to a new route in the Himalaya (see past recipients for examples).
- The team’s planned climbing style is considered. Teams climbing with the highest ethical standards and small, lightweight teams using a minimum of fixed ropes, camps, personnel, and equipment are strongly favored. Commercial, professional, and principally cause-related expeditions are ineligible.
- The judges consider the team’s overall experience level, which must match the proposed objective.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: December 31
Zack Martin Breaking Barriers Grant
Its Purpose: To fund expeditions that focus, primarily, on humanitarian efforts and, secondly, on an objective involving alpinism, mountaineering, rock/ice climbing and bouldering.
What it covers: One or two grants up to $5,000 will be awarded annually to individuals or small teams that best meet the criteria.
- Must have immediate impact, be sustainable, feasible and assure continuity to provide benefits to local people after initial implementation. Ideally, objectives will teach locals “how to”, enable ‘infrastructure’ and provide some level of continued support and funding.
- Must focus on alpine related adventure and/or discovery in the natural environment. A non-alpine adventure or exploration activity could be considered if the non-alpine objective leads to enhancement of the alpine/climbing/mountaineering environment.
Scholarship Opens: January 17
Deadline: March 31

Alpine Guide Scholarships
These alpine guide scholarships are for people who guide (or plan to) glaciated and non-glaciated peaks, approaches and climbs throughout the year.
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
The Doug Parker And Roger Baxter-Jones Memorial Scholarship
Its Purpose: Honors their memory and helps cover Alpine Guide Exam
What it covers: AMGA Alpine Guide Exam
- Must be enrolled in the Alpine Guide Exam
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
The Jim States, MD Scholarship fund
Its Purpose: To honor Jim States’ mentorship in the mountains and beyond.
What it covers: A scholarship of $2,000
- Educators and future mentors who believe the mountains are bigger than any of us and are driven to share their lessons with others
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD

Avalanche Scholarships
These avalanche scholarships are for guides who want an avalanche education to be prepared for their next backcountry skiing adventure.
AIARE develops research based Professional and Recreational avalanche training for backcountry users in the United States, South America and Europe.
Guides Fund Yearly Scholarship
Its Purpose: To both support AIARE’s mission of ‘saving lives through avalanche education,’ and encourage historically underrepresented populations in American backcountry pursuits to move into leadership roles
What it covers: Partially or fully subsidizing tuition for an AIARE ITC or CLT.
- Application should include a list qualifications pertaining to ITC/CLT prerequisites, and a short description of current work, education, and future in the field of avalanche research and education.
Scholarship Opens: September 1
Deadline: November 1
Kizaki-Wolf Scholarship for Instructor Training, Course Leader Training & PRO Training
Its Purpose: To support outstanding outdoor professionals in furthering their avalanche education and teaching skills.
What it covers: Provides full or partial tuition for an Instructor Training Course, Course Leader Training Course, or PRO 1 or PRO 2 course.
- Outdoor professional career (guide, patroller, outdoor educator, etc.) dedication and achievement;
- Under-represented populations within outdoor professionals;
- An appreciation of, and commitment to, an inclusive and diverse community of outdoor recreationalists and professionals.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 1
Live Large University AIARE Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support motorized backcountry riders.
What it covers: Full and partial scholarships are available for students taking an AIARE Motorized Rec Course, PRO 1, PRO 2 or ITC course.
- A strong desire to learn about avalanches and safe backcountry travel with your riding groups.
- Community members who can and will use their educational opportunity to engage with their friends and riding partners and be leaders in promoting avalanche education and backcountry safety.
- Aspiring teachers in our community who are passionate for the opportunity to join professional avalanche educators in the mission to help all backcountry riders live to ride another day.
- Aspiring snowmobile guides working through the stages of professional avalanche education in pursuit of sharing the sport of snowmobiling with the growing community of backcountry enthusiasts.
Scholarship Opens: Rolling basis
Deadline: Rolling basis
Scarpa and Arcteryx PRO Women’s Scholarship
Its Purpose: Diversify the avalanche profession and elevate underrepresented genders through breaking down barriers to entry.
What it covers: Full and partial scholarships to women (trans and non cis-gender) in taking an AIARE PRO1 or PRO2.
- Must submit a complete PRO 1 or PRO 2 application portfolio to be considered.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 1
American Avalanche Association (A3)
Represents the professional interests of the avalanche community by providing information about snow and avalanches through publication and outreach.
Regional Educational Grants
Its Purpose: To support regional avalanche education and professional development events
What it covers: Grant amounts vary, depending upon funding available. Please note, Awards may not equal the amount requested, and the board may choose to not fund all requests.
- Event should draw a regional audience (single-operation or organization-specific trainings are not eligible).
- Event may be open to the recreational public and MUST be open to avalanche professionals.
- Preference given to events that disseminate recent snow and avalanche research and other contemporary developments in the avalanche industry to a wide audience.
- Preference given to events that provide direct contact with researchers and developers.
- Event must have multiple sources (or potential sources) of funding.
- Event should increase the visibility of the A3 in the region and provide opportunity for recruiting new members to the A3.
Scholarship Opens: Spring
Deadline: June
Research Grants
Its Purpose: To support members conducting research on snow avalanches.
What it covers: Up to $7,500 each year to this program and funds up to two proposals annually.
- Both graduate students and field practitioners are encouraged to apply.
- Preference is given to proposals whose results will both benefit avalanche field practitioners and will extend our understanding of snow and avalanche phenomena.
- Proposals should embody the theme of the International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW), an international meeting of snow scientists and avalanche practitioners: “A merging of theory and practice.”
Scholarship Opens: TBD/Rolling
Deadline: October 15
Wyssen Avalanche Education Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support growth and education in the snow and avalanche community.
What it covers: Each scholarship will include tuition reimbursement, up to a maximum of $1,500, to be applied towards professional training during the current winter season.
- Applicants belonging to an under-represented demographic within the snow/avalanche community (including, but not limited to women, non-binary genders, BIPOC, LGBTQ).
- Pro and Affiliate members of the American Avalanche Association (A3).
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 15
EDGE Outdoors
EDGE Outdoors is a powerful initiative created to address the invisibility of Black, Indigenous, Women of Color in snow sports.
AAIRE Scholarship
Its Purpose: To educate skiers, snowboarders, splitboarders, snowshoe travelers, climbers, and mountaineers.
What it covers: 6 fully funded spots of $425.00 per person, plus free rentals for the course which include beacon, probe, shovel, snowshoes – but also – puffy jacket, mittens, double plastic boots if participants need them.
- Must be 18 years of age or older and COVID-19 vaccinated.
- Must be a Black, Indigenous, Woman of Color including Trans-Woman of Color, or Genderqueer under-represented in snow sports. Must be comfortable in women-operating spaces.
- Must have previous Backcountry experience with snowshoes, cross-country, alpine touring, or splitboarding.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
George Dirth Memorial Scholarship Fund
A website and fund setup to honor George Dirth and to help reduce the steadily growing avalanche fatality rate in Colorado to zero.
Its Purpose: To annually provide scholarships for A3 approved Level 1 avalanche education courses including AIARE or any other A3 Level 1 avalanche education courses for backcountry enthusiasts who ski, snowboard, split-board, snowshoe, or climb in Colorado or Utah.
What it covers: Scholarships of up to $250 for A3 approved Level 1 avalanche education courses like AIARE for people who go backcountry on skis, snowboards, or splitboards in Colorado or Utah.
- Must be for an American Avalanche Association (A3) approved Level 1 class.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: December 31
Sierra Avalanche Center
Sierra Avalanche Center functions as a private-public partnership between the US Forest Service and a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization known as Sierra Avalanche Center.
Avalanche Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help create a more well-educated community by providing scholarships towards American Avalanche Association approved Level 1, Level 2, Rescue, and Pro – 1 courses.
What it covers: TBD
- An ideal candidate is a person who lives, recreates or performs snow oriented work in the SAC forecast area. Candidates should already be skiing or snowboarding, mountaineering or traveling on snow and not someone looking to begin a new sport. Recipients are required to provide photos and a summary to SAC after their course.
Scholarship Opens: October
Deadline: November
Builds skis, snowboards and splitboards and accessories.
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in the Cascades.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient (6 recipients awarded)
- Adult women (21+) and female-identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Read more for AIARE Level 2: Cascades, WA/OR
Weston X AIARE Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help at least reduce the barrier of cost to help bring forward a more diverse backcountry community.
What it covers: For those who apply and can demonstrate both need and desire to help the community around them, on the hill or off, Weston will be contributing $150 towards the cost of an AIARE 1 Course.
- Aimed at increasing participation amongst groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in the backcountry, including: women, lgbtq+ and bipoc individuals.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD

BIPOC Scholarships
BIPOC Scholarships are scholarships specifically for Black people, members of Indigenous groups, and People of Color (BIPOC) pursuing an outdoor guiding activity.
American Alpine Club
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Catalyst: A Grant For Change
Its Purpose: To provide BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with both seen and unseen disabilities the funds to help them overcome barriers, adapt to disabilities, and reach ambitious climbing goals.
What it covers: Award amounts will be determined by the selection committee. The maximum amount awarded to an individual is $1,000. Teams will be awarded between $250 and $750 per person.
- Individuals and teams (2 – 4 people) of all ages, all experience levels, and all climbing disciplines who face barriers to accessing climbing resources and identify as a member of an underrepresented group within the climbing community; Such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+ individuals, climbers with disabilities, and others.
- Teams will apply on one application.
- The climb/expedition must accurately demonstrate a progression in skills and experience and outline a specific attainable goal.
- Objective must be in the U.S. (includes Alaska and Hawaii).
- Applicant(s) must be U.S. citizens or green card holders to apply.
- Applications are considered for trips that occur within one year of the application award date.
- Two categories will be recognized, with different criteria for each. Individual/team expeditions and program creation projects will be judged separately, and applications that demonstrate community engagement shall be weighted more heavily.
- Applicants do not have to be current AAC members. One year AAC membership will be included as part of the award.
- Objectives involving climbers who are supported financially by corporate sponsors will not be considered. However, proposals from “amateur” climbers who have received in-kind corporate support (e.g., gear) will be considered, but support levels must be disclosed.
Scholarship Opens: Mid-January
Deadline: February 28
American Avalanche Association (A3)
Represents the professional interests of the avalanche community by providing information about snow and avalanches through publication and outreach.
Wyssen Avalanche Education Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support growth and education in the snow and avalanche community.
What it covers: Each scholarship will include tuition reimbursement, up to a maximum of $1,500, to be applied towards professional training during the current winter season.
- Applicants belonging to an under-represented demographic within the snow/avalanche community (including, but not limited to women, non-binary genders, BIPOC, LGBTQ).
- Pro and Affiliate members of the American Avalanche Association (A3).
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 15
American Alpine Institute
The American Alpine Institute provides education, skills development and guiding in climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing/snowboarding, avalanche awareness, technical rescue, backpacking, wilderness skills, natural preservation and Leave No Trace.
The Climbing for Change Alpine Scholarship
Its Purpose: To encourage Black people, members of Indigenous groups, and People of Color (BIPOC) to take the next step in advancing their technical backcountry and mountain leadership skills by participating in one or more of the Alpine Institute’s programs.
What it covers: An annual tuition award valid toward selected AAI courses in amounts up to $2800. The funds can be applied to any of the following courses at American Alpine Institute:
- Alpine Mountaineering and Technical Leadership Part I
- Alpine Mountaineering and Technical Leadership Part II
- AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course
- AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Exam
- Technical Rope Rescue Comprehensive
- AIARE Avalanche I
- AIARE Rescue Day
- Backpacking and Wilderness Skills
- Glacier Skills and Crevasse Rescue
- Mt. Baker Skills and Climb
- Alpinism 1
- Alpinism 2
- Alpine Ice Climbing
- Technical Rope Rescue Comprehensive
- Leave No Trace Master Educator Training
- Self-identified as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color including Latinx, Asian, and mixed race
- 18 years of age or older
- Meet or exceed the listed prerequisites for the requested program(s)
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: April 15
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient
- Adult women (21+) and female identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program, if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 20
BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: This scholarship provides a large part of the gear necessary to help an individual further their backcountry goals.
What it covers:
- Grand Prize: A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD, Scarpa touring boots, and $500 (USD) toward avalanche safety education
- Second Place Prize: $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner up, and $500 (USD) to be used for avalanche safety education.
- BIPOC-identifying individuals in the US and Canada 21 years of age or older.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: November 15
BIPOC Avalanche Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: To acknowledge structural racism that has contributed to a lack of representation in the ski industry and make backcountry skiing more accessible and representative of our population.
What it covers: The chosen recipient may select an AIARE 1, Women’s AIARE 1, or AIARE Avalanche Rescue Course in the Truckee / Lake Tahoe area.
- Identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 15
The Climbing for Change Alpine Scholarship
Its Purpose: To encourage Black people, members of Indigenous groups, and People of Color (BIPOC) to take the next step in advancing their technical backcountry and mountain leadership skills by participating in one or more of the Alpine Institute’s programs.
What it covers:
An annual tuition award valid toward selected AAI courses in amounts up to $2800, plus a variety of equipment manufacturers to outfit the award winner with selected gear to further their mountain pursuits.
- Self-identified as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color including Latinx, Asian, and mixed race
- 18 years of age or older
- Meet or exceed the listed prerequisites for the requested program(s)
Scholarship Opens: Beginning of the year
Deadline: April 15
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
BIPOC Scholarship Fund
Its Purpose: To address key barriers identified by BIPOC members of the community in order to better support them throughout their AMGA programs.
What it covers: This scholarship fund is set up differently as it is intended to address some of the systemic barriers that exist in and outside of the AMGA.
- Program fees: you can request funds to cover program fees associated with AMGA Mountain Guide and Climbing Instructor Programs. Up to $2,000 per person.
- Travel funds: travel support to attend AMGA programs up to $300 per trip.
- Mentorship Support: For anyone seeking mentorship from AMGA guides and/or climbing instructors as well as co-students pursuing an education through the AMGA. The subsidy will include travel and/or wages.
- Up to $300 to travel to mentorship opportunities
- Day wages to hire more senior guides up to $400 per day
- Provider Fees: application fee, training fees, observation days, and other costs associated with becoming a Single Pitch Instructor or Climbing Wall Instructor Provider up to $2,000. This is for an individual who is ready to start their path to becoming a provider through the AMGA.
- Must be an AMGA member
Scholarship Opens: May and November
Deadline: TBD
Blackbird Mountain Guides
Founded in 2020, Blackbird’s IFMGA / AMGA trained guides offer innovative avalanche courses and expertly guided backcountry skiing, mountaineering, and climbing adventures in Tahoe and around the world.
BIPOC Avalanche Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: To acknowledge structural racism that has contributed to a lack of representation in the ski industry and make backcountry skiing more accessible and representative of our population.
What it covers: The chosen recipient may select an AIARE 1, Women’s AIARE 1, or AIARE Avalanche Rescue Course in the Truckee / Lake Tahoe area.
- Identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 15
Coalition Snow
Women-owned and operated company building award-winning and athlete-approved skis and snowboards.
Indigenous Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: An annual award designed to expand Indigenous experiences in the backcountry.
What it covers:
- $1000 for the purchase of gear or avalanche education
- A pair of Coalition skis or a snowboard
- A Deuter guide or ski pack
- A discount code for Ortovox rescue gear
- The opportunity to be featured in the new On The Land magazine
- This scholarship is open to individuals who identify as Indigenous AND women, non-binary, or gender expansive. All levels of experience are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Opens: September 20
Deadline: October 8
Pam & George Wendt Foundation
The Pam & George Wendt Foundation provides meaningful guided river rafting and outdoor adventure experiences for under-resourced youth and young adults.
The Pam & George Wendt Foundation Guide School Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help increase access to quality raft guide training for aspiring guides from a diverse background.
What it covers: Scholarship recipients will receive free tuition to OARS California or Utah (Dinosaur) Guide School.
- Preference will be given to individuals who demonstrate financial need or hardship, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) candidates, openly self-identified members of the LGBTQ+ Community, and applicants seeking full-time work as a river guide.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: March 1
Manufacturer and innovator of the splitboard, backcountry skis, telemark bindings, & avalanche rescue equipment.
BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: This scholarship provides a large part of the gear necessary to help an individual further their backcountry goals.
What it covers:
- Grand Prize: A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD, Scarpa touring boots, and $500 (USD) toward avalanche safety education
- Second Place Prize: $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner-up, and $500 (USD) to be used for avalanche safety education.
- BIPOC-identifying individuals in the US and Canada 21 years of age or older.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: November 15
Builds skis, snowboards and splitboards and accessories.
Weston X AIARE Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help at least reduce the barrier of cost to help bring forward a more diverse backcountry community.
What it covers: For those who apply and can demonstrate both need and desire to help the community around them, on the hill or off, Weston will be contributing $150 towards the cost of an AIARE 1 Course.
- Aimed at increasing participation amongst groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in the backcountry, including: women, lgbtq+ and bipoc individuals.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD

Education Scholarships
Education scholarships are for guides pursuing education, going to conferences, or learning outdoor skills outside of their chosen activity.
American Alpine Institute
The American Alpine Institute provides education, skills development and guiding in climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing/snowboarding, avalanche awareness, technical rescue, backpacking, wilderness skills, natural preservation and Leave No Trace.
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) Scholarship
Its Purpose: Provide opportunities for members to participate in professional development, discuss common issues and to present academic papers.
What it covers: AAI provides two $750 scholarships to the AORE conference every year. These scholarships may be used on one of the following courses:
- Alpine Mountaineering and Technical Leadership Part I
- Alpine Mountaineering and Technical Leadership Part II
- Alpine Ice Climbing – Introduction
- Alpine Rock Climbing
- Alpinism 1
- Alpinism 2
- Technical Rope Rescue Comprehensive
- You must first be a member of AORE.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
American Alpine Club
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Partner In Adventure Outdoor Education Grant
Its Purpose: To help you and your partner stay safe as you broaden your climbing skill set.
What it covers: The grant will award partners up to $1,000 for the educational opportunity of your choice.
- Must be 21 years of age or older to apply.
- Identify a certified guide, service, or course you’ll work with.
- Only open to U.S. residents.
- Objective must be in the U.S. (includes Alaska and Hawaii).
- Be prepared to explain why you’ve chosen this objective and how you expect to achieve it. Be as specific as possible.
- Courses, classes, or trips must occur within one year of the application award date.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
NOLS is a nonprofit global wilderness school helping prepare their students to become leaders.
Semester Scholarship Application
Its Purpose: NOLS offers scholarship awards specifically for semester expedition students. Semester scholarships are need-based.
What it covers: TBD
- Your most recent 1040 tax form.
- Your parents’ or guardians’ most recent 1040 tax form if you will be 24 or younger on December 31 of the year in which you are applying for a scholarship. Learn more about your dependency status.
Scholarship Opens: Rolling basis, but first-come, first-served
Deadline: Rolling basis, but first-come, first-served
NOLS Expedition Non-Semester Scholarship Application
Its Purpose: NOLS scholarships are need-based, and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
What it covers: Partial scholarships for NOLS courses
- Apply for a scholarship after enrolling on your expedition.
- Your Application ID. Find this by logging into your NOLS.edu course dashboard. The Application ID can be found in the top left corner.
- Your most recent 1040 tax form.
- Your parents’ or guardians’ most recent 1040 tax form if you will be 24 or younger on December 31 of the year in which you are applying for a scholarship
Scholarship Opens: Rolling basis, but first-come, first-served
Deadline: Rolling basis, but first-come, first-served
Redside Foundation Professional Development Grant
Its Purpose:The Redside Foundation Professional Development Grant is an opportunity for Idaho Guides to apply for a grant of up to $500.00 toward tuition for a professional training or skills course related to work as a guide or to transition to a related career.
What it covers: Up to $500 toward tuition for professional training or skills course
Applicants will be awarded based on need and the quality of their application.
Scholarship Opens: March 15
Deadline: TBD

Equipment Grants
Equipment grants are for folks in search of new equipment.
The American Alpine Club (AAC)
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Anchor Replacement Fund
Its Purpose: To address inadequate fixed anchors and increase support for local and national partners leading these efforts.
What it covers: TBD
- Applications accepted from local climbing organizations and anchor replacement groups.
- Grant applications are reviewed by a team of experts from the Access Fund, American Alpine Club, and anchor replacement community.
- Grant applicants are expected to demonstrate both need and support from the local community.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: September 15
First Aid & Search & Rescue Scholarships
First Aid and Search and Rescue scholarships are for guides getting certified or for teams who’ve completed a successful search and rescue.
American Alpine Club
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Rocky Talkie Search and Rescue Award
Its Purpose: To give back to teams for their invaluable service to our community and raise awareness of the rescues that regularly occur outside the public eye (many of which are performed by volunteers!).
What it covers: $25,000 to four SAR teams who responded to the previous year’s incidents in exceptional and inspirational ways.
- Applicants are asked to submit a brief description of a year’s rescue operation which illustrates the team’s skill level, passion, and dedication.
- They welcome nominations from SAR team members as well as rescued individuals.
- Any Search and Rescue team that is registered in the United States or Canada as a non-profit.
Scholarship Opens: January 1
Deadline: January 31
Fishing Scholarships
These fishing guide scholarships are to financially support folks seeking to become certified fishing guides.
Colorado Mountain College (CMC)
CMC Leadville provides student housing with magnificent views of Colorado’s highest peaks, and offers a quality education with one of the most affordable tuition rates in Colorado.
Colorado Women Flyfishers Karen Williams Memorial Scholarship
Its Purpose: To honor the memory of Karen Williams, a long-time member of the Colorado Women Flyfishers (CWF).
What it covers: $500 toward a woman pursuing a Fly Fishing Certificate at the Leadville Campus
- Applicants must be female and enrolled in the CMC Leadville Campus fly fishing program. Preference given to Colorado residents.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
Orvis 50/50 On the Water Fly Fishing Gear for Women
Its Purpose: To provide opportunities for women to enter the outdoor industry as professional fly fishing guides.
What it covers: Two $2,300 packages of fly fishing gear to help two women, who are enrolled in the professional fly fishing guide program in Leadville, the opportunity to get geared to be on the water.
- Applicants must be female enrolled in the professional fly fishing guide program in Leadville.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD

Mountaineering Scholarships
These mountaineering guide scholarships are typically for experienced backcountry guides or guides looking to improve their skills.
American Alpine Club
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Mountaineering Fellowship Fund Grant
Its Purpose: To encourage American climbers aged 25 years and younger to go into remote areas and seek out climbs more difficult than they might ordinarily be able to do.
What it covers: Grants vary by project, but typically range between $300 and $800 and help to cover travel, gear, or other expenses that you need to achieve your objective.
- Only U.S. citizens 25 years of age or younger may apply. Applicant should be no older than 25 at the time of the application deadline.
- The review committee encourages applications from teams emphasizing the fellowship component of their objective.
- Grants are awarded based on the proposed project’s excellence and evidence of appropriate mountaineering experience.
- Membership in The American Alpine Club is required.
- Members of a single expedition may apply individually. Organized groups/expeditions are ineligible.
- Grants are not available for the purpose of climbing instruction.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: December 31
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
AMGA / Outdoor Prolink DEI Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help Black, Indigenous, People of Color to cover an AMGA program
What it covers: $2,000
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Arc’teryx / AMGA Scholarship
Its Purpose: Arc’teryx provides a women’s scholarship to an eligible student who is taking any AMGA guide track program.
What it covers: One scholarship to an eligible student who is taking any AMGA guide track program.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
First Ascent Charitable Foundation For Women
Its Purpose: To enrich, educate and better communities through the support of charities and organizations.
What it covers: 10 x $2000 Women’s Scholarships. Preference for first Mountain Guide Program ($1,500 for ASC)
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Jim Ratz Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help support guides who are finishing their IFMGA certification.
What it covers: Partial support for a guide who is enrolled in an AMGA exam that is the final stage of one’s IFMGA/AMGA training.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Julie Cheney Culberson Educational Fund For Women
Its Purpose: To help support women who have chosen guiding as a profession.
What it covers: Provides partial funding to women trying to become better professional mountain guides, whether through AMGA guiding and skills courses or avalanche and medical courses. Women’s or women-driven expeditions and adventures are also candidates for funding.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Liz Daley Scholarship Presented By Eddie Bauer
Its Purpose: To honor Fallen Guide, Liz Daley, who was starting to make her way through AMGA programs before we lost her too soon.
What it covers: TBD
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Mammut Women’s Day Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support the advancement of all women and non-binary folks in the outdoor industry.
What it covers: The recipient will be awarded a full tuition AMGA scholarship in any mountain guide course or exam and receive a complete kit including safety gear from Mammut.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, complete form on scholarship page.
Scholarship Opens: March 8
Deadline: March 21
Millet Scholarship – (Men’s Scholarship)
Its Purpose: Help fund an AMGA program.
What it covers: $1,000 toward an AMGA program.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Outdoor Research Scholarship
Its Purpose: Provides a scholarship for an eligible student who is taking an AMGA Guide Track Program.
What it covers: TBD
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Petzl Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help support members in an AMGA Program
What it covers: TBD
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Variety of Scholarships
Its Purpose: To help guides and aspiring guides reduce the costs associated with AMGA training.
What it covers: Reduced program costs to advance education.
- Qualified applicants must be current AMGA members, meet prerequisites for programs by time of program application, and meet application deadline(s) for their program(s). If you are awarded a scholarship, when AMGA programs open you need to apply for a program, pay program application fees, and be accepted into a program.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Young Aspiring Guide Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help support a student taking their first AMGA program.
What it covers: Full tuition scholarship for one program.
- First-time student enrolled in an AMGA program.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
The AWE Summit Scholarship Foundation
The AWE Summit Scholarship Foundation exists to break down barriers to entry to the big mountain realm for women from all walks of life.
Summit Scholarship Program
Its Purpose: To help break down barriers to entry to the big mountain realm for women from all walks of life.
What it covers: Each Summit Scholarship recipient typically receives full coverage of their expedition fee as well as top-notch mountaineering footwear from LOWA Boots.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: February 2

Rafting Guide Scholarships
Pam & George Wendt Foundation
The Pam & George Wendt Foundation provides meaningful guided river rafting and outdoor adventure experiences for under-resourced youth and young adults.
The Pam & George Wendt Foundation Guide School Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help increase access to quality raft guide training for aspiring guides from a diverse background.
What it covers: Scholarship recipients will receive free tuition to OARS California or Utah (Dinosaur) Guide School.
- Preference will be given to individuals who demonstrate financial need or hardship, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) candidates, openly self-identified members of the LGBTQ+ Community, and applicants seeking full-time work as a river guide.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: March 1

Research Grants
The American Alpine Club (AAC)
An organization committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms.
Cornerstone Conservation Grant
Its Purpose: To fund projects to improve, conserve, and protect local climbing resources across the country.
What it covers: Grant awards range from $1,000 to $8,000, depending on the size and scope of the project.
- Have measurable, high impact yet achievable goals
- Incorporate best practices for sustainability
- Improve land conservation and/or climber practices
- Demonstrate reduced impact from climber practices
- Demonstrate a plan for long term success
- Engage members of the local climbing community, such as local AAC chapters and local REI stores.
- Have local land manager endorsement
- Have local AAC Section endorsement
- Have a realistic budget
- Utilize matching agency, local funds or Access Fund grant money
Scholarship Opens: June 14
Deadline: August 15
Research Grants
Its Purpose: To fund projects that enrich our understanding of the ecosystems and landscapes that are a part of the climbing experience, contribute vital knowledge to the management of climbing environments, and improve the health and sustainability of the climbing community.
What it covers: Research Grant awards range from $500 to $1,500. Award amounts will vary based on project and budget.
- Projects should focus on the social and economic influences on climbing, mountain environments, and alpine pursuits.They’re prioritizing focuses on climate change and public land management
Scholarship Opens: January 17
Deadline: February 28

Rock Guide Scholarships
Rock guide scholarships are for guides with a technical rock climbing background in different types of rock and climbing disciplines.
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
The Craig Luebben Education Fund
Its Purpose: To provide scholarships for future generations of American guides.
What it covers: Partial coverage of of rock climbing AMGA programs
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
The Doug Parker And Roger Baxter-Jones Memorial Scholarship
Its Purpose: Honors their memory and helps cover Rock Guide Exam
What it covers: AMGA Rock Guide Exam
- Must be enrolled in the Alpine Rock Exam
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Professional Climbing Guides Institute (PCGI)
Professional Climbing Guides Institute (PCGI) is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the professional rock climbing guide and instructor community.
Albert Nugue Memorial Scholarship Fund
Its Purpose: The Albert Nugue Memorial Scholarship Fund was set up in honor of the first PCGI President Mr.Albert Nugue. Albert was a great supporter of PCGI guide training. He believed strongly in PCGI and worked extremely hard to further the PCGI mission.
What it covers: Scholarship awards cover 50% of any given course or assessment.
- Applicants must earn $30,000.00 or less per year.
- Experience, interest and dedication to guided rock climbing and instruction are also factored into scholarship award decisions.
- Scholarships are not available for students enrolled in independently provided PCGI courses and assessments offered via approved PCGI mentors and assessors or for any continuing education credit classes.
Scholarship Opens: Rolling
Deadline: Official applications must be received at least 30 days prior to course or assessment date.
She Moves Mountains
She Moves Mountains exists to empower and educate women and non-binary folks through technical climbing clinics and community events.
Its Purpose: To help lower the financial barrier to entry rock climbing.
What it covers: With these discount codes climbers can attend our weekend events for as low as $50 and select technical skills clinics for $40.
- They’re trust-based and ask you to ask yourself these two questions before applying for a scholarship:
- Would you be able to comfortably afford attendance without a scholarship? (I see comfortably afford to mean that attendance wouldn’t put you in a financially stressful position.)
- Are you in need of a full or partial scholarship?
Scholarship Opens: Rolling
Deadline: Rolling

Ski Guide Scholarships
These ski guide scholarships are typically for experienced backcountry guides or skiers/riders looking to improve their skills.
American Alpine Institute
The American Alpine Institute provides education, skills development and guiding in climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing/snowboarding, avalanche awareness, technical rescue, backpacking, wilderness skills, natural preservation and Leave No Trace.
The Climbing for Change Alpine Scholarship
Its Purpose: To encourage Black people, members of Indigenous groups, and People of Color (BIPOC) to take the next step in advancing their technical backcountry and mountain leadership skills by participating in one or more of the Alpine Institute’s programs.
What it covers:
An annual tuition award valid toward selected AAI courses in amounts up to $2800, plus a variety of equipment manufacturers to outfit the award winner with selected gear to further their mountain pursuits.
- Self-identified as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color including Latinx, Asian, and mixed race
- 18 years of age or older
- Meet or exceed the listed prerequisites for the requested program(s)
Scholarship Opens: Beginning of the year
Deadline: April 15
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
Chad Vander Ham Memorial Fund
Its Purpose: To support aspiring AMGA ski guides
What it covers: Ski program of your choice
- Share Chad’s passion, excitement, and dedication to skiing;
- Submit a sub-five-minute video describing who you are and why you love skiing to scholarships@amga.com
- Upload a video to YouTube using your YouTube account. Please note, you have to create a YouTube account if you don’t already have one.
- Meet the prerequisites required for enrollment.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Dynafit Ski Scholarship
Its Purpose: Support a ski program
What it covers: Ski program of your choice
- Someone passionate for the human powered skiing experience;
- With a propensity for leadership and the qualities of an intuitive and skilled educator;
- And an ability to positively influence and inspire others through social media and/or community oriented events and activities
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Friends Of Rick Gaukel Everywhere “F.O.R.G.E.” Splitboard Ski Guide Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support aspiring AMGA ski guides
What it covers: Ski program of your choice
- Meet the prerequisites required for enrollment.
- Demonstrate Rick’s passion, excitement, and dedication to splitboarding
- Submit a creative sub-five-minute video that both demonstrates and describes who you are, why you love splitboarding, and how you embody Rick’s spirit to scholarships@amga.com
- Upload a video to YouTube using your YouTube account. Please note, you have to create a YouTube account if you don’t already have one.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Mike Hattrup Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help cover AMGA Ski Guide Exam
What it covers: $250 towards an AMGA Ski Guide Exam for guides who have successfully completed the AMGA Ski Guide Course.
- Must have successfully completed an AMGA Ski Guide Course
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
The Doug Parker And Roger Baxter-Jones Memorial Scholarship
Its Purpose: Honors their memory and helps cover Ski Guide Exam
What it covers: AMGA Ski Guide Exam
- Ski Guide Exam, only if it is the last exam for IFMGA certification
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Backcountry Babes
Backcountry Babes provides quality backcountry opportunities for women of different abilities and ages to gain skills in outdoor recreational sports, backcountry safety, and to participate in fun adventures together.
AIARE Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help fund AIARE Level 1, AIARE Level 2, or Avalanche Rescue Courses
What it covers: A limited amount of partial scholarships available in the range of $25 to $125 off the cost of a course
- Submit 700-1000 word essay
- 3 original photos to accompany the blog
- Fill and submit the application
Scholarship Opens: Rolling basis
Deadline: Rolling basis
Blackbird Mountain Guides
Founded in 2020, Blackbird’s IFMGA / AMGA trained guides offer innovative avalanche courses and expertly guided backcountry skiing, mountaineering, and climbing adventures in Tahoe and around the world.
BIPOC Avalanche Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: To acknowledge structural racism that has contributed to a lack of representation in the ski industry and make backcountry skiing more accessible and representative of our population.
What it covers: The chosen recipient may select an AIARE 1, Women’s AIARE 1, or AIARE Avalanche Rescue Course in the Truckee / Lake Tahoe area.
- Identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 15
Ski, ski boots, and accessories companies.
Women2Women Education Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support women in their pursuit to further their education and knowledge in snowsports.
What it covers: Financial support to women for educational opportunities, ranging anywhere from introductory courses to top-level certifications, as well as a pair of Blizzard skis and Tecnica ski boots. The number of scholarships to be awarded is dependent on the requests and will be determined after all applications have been received.
Scholarship Opens: November 19
Deadline: December 11
Coalition Snow
Women-owned and operated company building award-winning and athlete-approved skis and snowboards.
Indigenous Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: An annual award designed to expand Indigenous experiences in the backcountry.
What it covers:
- $1000 for the purchase of gear or avalanche education
- A pair of Coalition skis or a snowboard
- A Deuter guide or ski pack
- A discount code for Ortovox rescue gear
- The opportunity to be featured in the new On The Land magazine
- This scholarship is open to individuals who identify as Indigenous AND women, non-binary, or gender expansive. All levels of experience are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Opens: September 20
Deadline: October 8
International Wilderness Leadership School (IWLS)
IWLS specializes in providing the highest quality wilderness education, outdoor leadership training, and technical instruction.
IWLS Scholarship
Its Purpose: to provide opportunities for people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to come to IWLS.
What it covers: Typically between 10%-15% of the total course cost. However, scholarship awards can vary with each student. They will determine the merit of the scholarship award on an individual basis.
- The committee is looking for an applicant with a strong desire to begin (or continue) their outdoor education and leadership skills. Applicants with a strong appreciation and regard for the environment, wild places, responsibility, determination, and drive are excellent candidates. The committee will take socioeconomic circumstances into consideration, as well. IWLS wants students of all socioeconomic backgrounds to be able to experience these exciting and rewarding programs!
- Must enroll in one of their Guide and Leadership courses
Scholarship Opens: Rolling
Deadline: Rolling
Jackson Hole Babe Force
The Jackson Hole Babe Force (JHBF) is an all-female, all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to empower all women to seek adventure in the mountains.
Avy 1 Course
Its Purpose: For a spot in an all-female Avalanche Level 1 Course hosted by either the American Avalanche Institute (AAI) or Jackson Hole Mountain Guides (JHMG).
What it covers: $375 off Avy 1 Course (you’re responsible for $150)
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
Rads Moms
Its Purpose: For one day of small-group skiing at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) to help you improve your skiing abilities.
What it covers: One day learning to ski with Crystal Wright (JHBF founder, certified ski coach, and former Freeride World Tour Champion) and Lauren Roux (JHBF Board Member, certified Supermom, and former UNH Div. 1 ski racer).
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
Go Your Own Way
Its Purpose: To help you fund your next adventure, outdoor education course, competition, project, or another mountain pursuit.
What it covers: The funding provided by this program and the number of scholarships awarded are dependent upon the applications received.
- You can apply for funding to do almost anything that aligns with the Jackson Hole Babe Force’s Scholarship Program values: pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and becoming smarter, safer, and more confident in the mountains.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
SheJumps serves girls ages 6 and up, women 18 and older who either have never participated in outdoor activities or are active members of the outdoor community looking to give back and share their passion.
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient
- Adult women (21+) and female-identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Read more for AIARE Level 1 and Level 2
Snowpack Ikon Pass Scholarship
Its Purpose: To offer lift access to iconic destinations for Women of Color who want to progress their skiing or snowboarding skills.
What it covers: In addition to the Ikon Passes, scholarship recipients will receive a full-day ski or snowboard lesson voucher and one-day rental ski or snowboard gear (offered by Alterra Mountain Resorts), skis, bindings, and boots from Nordica, and boot warming product from Sidas and Thermic.
- Adult (18+) self-identified Women of Color. Women of Color with little to no skiing or snowboarding experience are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Manufacturer and innovator of the splitboard, backcountry skis, telemark bindings, & avalanche rescue equipment.
BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: This scholarship provides a large part of the gear necessary to help an individual further their backcountry goals.
What it covers:
- Grand Prize: A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD, Scarpa touring boots, and $500 (USD) toward avalanche safety education
- Second Place Prize: $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner-up, and $500 (USD) to be used for avalanche safety education.
- BIPOC-identifying individuals in the US and Canada 21 years of age or older.
Scholarship Opens: October 1
Deadline: November 15
Wandering Trails Scholarship For Women In The Backcountry
Its Purpose: To help a fellow female-identifying individual overcome any financial hurdles that may be preventing them from advancing in their backcountry journey.
What it covers:
- Grand Prize: A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD
- Second Place Prize: Voile will provide a $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner up, prize to be used towards a pair of skis or splitboard.
- Must be 21 years of age or older.
- Open to women only
- Submit a 400-600 word essay explaining why you want to get into the backcountry and how this scholarship will help.
- Include 3 photos
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: January 31

Women Guide Scholarships
These women guide scholarships are specific to women.
American Alpine Institute
The American Alpine Institute provides education, skills development and guiding in climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing/snowboarding, avalanche awareness, technical rescue, backpacking, wilderness skills, natural preservation and Leave No Trace.
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient
- Adult women (21+) and female identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program, if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Cascades, WA/OR
Read more for AIARE Level 2: Cascades, WA/OR
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Sawtooths, ID
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Rockies, CO
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Tetons, WY
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Glacier, MT
American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA)
The AMGA offers more than 300 internationally recognized training courses, exams, and certifications designed to certify individual guides and climbing instructors and accredit climbing and skiing services.
Arc’teryx / AMGA Scholarship
Its Purpose: Arc’teryx provides a women’s scholarship to an eligible student who is taking any AMGA guide track program.
What it covers: One scholarship to an eligible student who is taking any AMGA guide track program.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
First Ascent Charitable Foundation For Women
Its Purpose: To enrich, educate and better communities through the support of charities and organizations.
What it covers: 10 x $2000 Women’s Scholarships. Preference for first Mountain Guide Program ($1,500 for ASC)
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Julie Cheney Culberson Educational Fund For Women
Its Purpose: To help support women who have chosen guiding as a profession.
What it covers: Provides partial funding to women trying to become better professional mountain guides, whether through AMGA guiding and skills courses or avalanche and medical courses. Women’s or women-driven expeditions and adventures are also candidates for funding.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, they ask for an essay to be submitted. You can visit their main scholarship page for the essay questions if you would like to work on them beforehand.
Scholarship Opens: May of every year
Deadline: TBD
Mammut Women’s Day Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support the advancement of all women and non-binary folks in the outdoor industry.
What it covers: The recipient will be awarded a full tuition AMGA scholarship in any mountain guide course or exam and receive a complete kit including safety gear from Mammut.
- Along with your contact information, current training and certifications, and future programs, complete form on scholarship page.
Scholarship Opens: March 8
Deadline: March 21
The AWE Summit Scholarship Foundation
The AWE Summit Scholarship Foundation exists to break down barriers to entry to the big mountain realm for women from all walks of life.
Summit Scholarship Program
Its Purpose: To help break down barriers to entry to the big mountain realm for women from all walks of life.
What it covers: Each Summit Scholarship recipient typically receives full coverage of their expedition fee as well as top-notch mountaineering footwear from LOWA Boots.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: February 2
Backcountry Babes
Backcountry Babes provides quality backcountry opportunities for women of different abilities and ages to gain skills in outdoor recreational sports, backcountry safety, and to participate in fun adventures together.
AIARE Course Scholarship
Its Purpose: Help fund AIARE Level 1, AIARE Level 2, or Avalanche Rescue Courses
What it covers: A limited amount of partial scholarships available in the range of $25 to $125 off the cost of a course
- Submit 700-1000 word essay
- 3 original photos to accompany the blog
- Fill and submit the application
Scholarship Opens: Rolling basis
Deadline: Rolling basis
Ski, ski boots, and accessories companies.
Women2Women Education Scholarship
Its Purpose: To support women in their pursuit to further their education and knowledge in snowsports.
What it covers: Financial support to women for educational opportunities, ranging anywhere from introductory courses to top-level certifications, as well as a pair of Blizzard skis and Tecnica ski boots. The number of scholarships to be awarded is dependent on the requests and will be determined after all applications have been received.
Scholarship Opens: November 10
Deadline: December 11
Awarded: Early January
Coalition Snow
Women-owned and operated company building award-winning and athlete-approved skis and snowboards.
Indigenous Backcountry Scholarship
Its Purpose: An annual award designed to expand Indigenous experiences in the backcountry.
What it covers:
- $1000 for the purchase of gear or avalanche education
- A pair of Coalition skis or a snowboard
- A Deuter guide or ski pack
- A discount code for Ortovox rescue gear
- The opportunity to be featured in the new On The Land magazine
- This scholarship is open to individuals who identify as Indigenous AND women, non-binary, or gender expansive. All levels of experience are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Opens: September 20
Deadline: October 8
Colorado Mountain College (CMC)
CMC Leadville provides student housing with magnificent views of Colorado’s highest peaks, and offers a quality education with one of the most affordable tuition rates in Colorado.
Colorado Women Flyfishers Karen Williams Memorial Scholarship
Its Purpose: To honor the memory of Karen Williams, a long-time member of the Colorado Women Flyfishers (CWF).
What it covers: $500 toward a woman pursuing a Fly Fishing Certificate at the Leadville Campus
- Applicants must be female and enrolled in the CMC Leadville Campus fly fishing program. Preference given to Colorado residents.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
Orvis 50/50 On the Water Fly Fishing Gear for Women
Its Purpose: To provide opportunities for women to enter the outdoor industry as professional fly fishing guides.
What it covers: Two $2,300 packages of fly fishing gear to help two women, who are enrolled in the professional fly fishing guide program in Leadville, the opportunity to get geared to be on the water.
- Applicants must be female enrolled in the professional fly fishing guide program in Leadville.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD
Jackson Hole Babe Force
The Jackson Hole Babe Force (JHBF) is an all-female, all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is to empower all women to seek adventure in the mountains.
Avy 1 Course
Its Purpose: For a spot in an all-female Avalanche Level 1 Course hosted by either the American Avalanche Institute (AAI) or Jackson Hole Mountain Guides (JHMG).
What it covers: $375 off Avy 1 Course (you’re responsible for $150)
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
Rads Moms
Its Purpose: For one day of small-group skiing at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) to help you improve your skiing abilities.
What it covers: One day learning to ski with Crystal Wright (JHBF founder, certified ski coach, and former Freeride World Tour Champion) and Lauren Roux (JHBF Board Member, certified Supermom, and former UNH Div. 1 ski racer).
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
Go Your Own Way
Its Purpose: To help you fund your next adventure, outdoor education course, competition, project, or another mountain pursuit.
What it covers: The funding provided by this program and the number of scholarships awarded are dependent upon the applications received.
- You can apply for funding to do almost anything that aligns with the Jackson Hole Babe Force’s Scholarship Program values: pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and becoming smarter, safer, and more confident in the mountains.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: November 22
SheJumps serves girls ages 6 and up, women 18 and older who either have never participated in outdoor activities or are active members of the outdoor community looking to give back and share their passion.
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient
- Adult women (21+) and female-identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Cascades, WA/OR
Read more for AIARE Level 2: Cascades, WA/OR
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Sawtooths, ID
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Rockies, CO
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Tetons, WY
Read more for AIARE Level 1: Glacier, MT
Snowpack Ikon Pass Scholarship
Its Purpose: To offer lift access to iconic destinations for Women of Color who want to progress their skiing or snowboarding skills.
What it covers: In addition to the Ikon Passes, scholarship recipients will receive a full-day ski or snowboard lesson voucher and one-day rental ski or snowboard gear (offered by Alterra Mountain Resorts), skis, bindings, and boots from Nordica, and boot warming product from Sidas and Thermic.
- Adult (18+) self-identified Women of Color. Women of Color with little to no skiing or snowboarding experience are encouraged to apply.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
She Moves Mountains
She Moves Mountains exists to empower and educate women and non-binary folks through technical climbing clinics and community events.
Its Purpose: To help lower the financial barrier to entry rock climbing.
What it covers: With these discount codes climbers can attend our weekend events for as low as $50 and select technical skills clinics for $40.
- They’re trust-based and ask you to ask yourself these two questions before applying for a scholarship:
- Would you be able to comfortably afford attendance without a scholarship? (I see comfortably afford to mean that attendance wouldn’t put you in a financially stressful position.)
- Are you in need of a full or partial scholarship?
Scholarship Opens: Rolling
Deadline: Rolling
Manufacturer and innovator of the splitboard, backcountry skis, telemark bindings, & avalanche rescue equipment.
Wandering Trails Scholarship For Women In The Backcountry
Its Purpose: To help a fellow female-identifying individual overcome any financial hurdles that may be preventing them from advancing in their backcountry journey.
What it covers:
- Grand Prize: A Voile.com account credit of $1,600 USD
- Second Place Prize: Voile will provide a $700 USD Voile.com account credit to the runner up, prize to be used towards a pair of skis or splitboard.
- Must be 21 years of age or older.
- Open to women only
- Submit a 400-600 word essay explaining why you want to get into the backcountry and how this scholarship will help.
- Include 3 photos
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: January 31
Builds skis, snowboards and splitboards and accessories.
Snowpack Avalanche Scholarship
Its Purpose: To bring affordable avalanche education opportunities to adult women participating in snow sports in the Cascades.
What it covers: One AIARE course per scholarship recipient (6 recipients awarded)
- Adult women (21+) and female-identifying individuals, underrepresented women, and women with financial need. Applicants must provide proof of AIARE Level 1 certification to apply for this program if applying to Level 2.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: October 31
Read more for AIARE Level 2: Cascades, WA/OR
Weston X AIARE Scholarship
Its Purpose: To help at least reduce the barrier of cost to help bring forward a more diverse backcountry community.
What it covers: For those who apply and can demonstrate both need and desire to help the community around them, on the hill or off, Weston will be contributing $150 towards the cost of an AIARE 1 Course.
- Aimed at increasing participation amongst groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in the backcountry, including: women, lgbtq+ and bipoc individuals.
Scholarship Opens: TBD
Deadline: TBD