Western Spirit’s Serious Need To Streamline Their Booking Process

What Has Western Spirit Learned About Their Solution So Far?

Change is worth it

Moving to an online booking platform that connects their guides, administrators, and guests saved them 30+ hours a week, which is about $65,000/year.

Spend time on what matters

With all the time saved, Western Spirit has been able to dedicate more time on training, operations, making reservations throughout the country.

Software as a partner

Having a partner willing to build a platform that fits their operations instead of the other way around has changed their business (for the better).

The Situation

Spending too much time on reservations, not enough on operations

Western Spirit is known for their amazing guided bike trips throughout the United States. And all the work behind-the-scenes is what made them as successful as they are today. But with success came way too many hours wasted on things they could automate instead.

“We had—no exaggeration—over 20 systems that we had to feed in and out of Airtable in order to make the reservations happen for us, using zaps, coming in and out. This would go to Google Sheets and elsewhere. It was super convoluted,” Brendon told us.

“We had an employee who dedicated half of her time just to reservations because of all the steps that she had to do and oversee,” Brendon said. She even begged Brendon they had to do something different.

The Snag

When one system went down, everything shut down

Then one day, Airtable went down.

“We literally were at a standstill. We couldn’t do anything. And they had no customer service. It was a hot mess. It got bad.” Even while using their tried and true 20 systems and apps, the Western Spirit team couldn’t take bookings when one system went down.

Bendon immediately started looking for an online booking system that was customizable enough to mold to their complex operations.

The Solution

From 20+ systems to run their operations down to 2

“It wasn’t an exaggeration that we were using 20 different systems. So, we went from 20 to two systems. And Origin is solving everything else in there,” Brendon told us.

They rolled out Origin in July and by mid-August the Western Spirit team realized they were saving 30+ hours per week, which meant saving roughly $65,000 per year to pay someone to manually do reservations.

Their Operations team were excited to spend those extra hours on training, operations, guide time, lodging, making hundreds of reservations throughout the country and campsites and hotels, and making sure they continue to offer the best guided bike tours their clients will ever experience.

“It’s meant money for us and more time on the things that matter. For us, what Origin can’t do is help make a better Day Three for this tour in Oregon. Right? But what you can do is give us more time in our day so we can spend it making sure that Day Three is better in Oregon. That’s what it’s meant to us for sure.”

Origin Q&A With Brendon

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Customizations and the vibe of chatting with the team. I really got to know everyone through the video interviews. We talked about our needs and what you could do. I really believed in what you guys could do and it’s been neat to see it come to fruition.

It’s been really great to even be gone for the holiday. We were closed for two weeks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s and to still see reservations come through and see everything happen without us having to be here has been really great.

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Over 20. It’s not an exaggeration that we were using 20 different systems. So, we went from 20 to 2 systems. And Origin is solving everything else in there.

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We rolled Origin out in July and by mid-August, we were really like, “Holy cow, we have all this time now. We have time to work on other things,” which was really great.

It’s a full-time position. We didn’t completely eliminate the position. Matt’s over in Operations, but he was able to take all that time that we were putting into reservations and now put it into our guides, guide experiences, working on hotels and lodging, and the things that our operations person should be doing, rather than just all reservations. 

If you just take a typical salary of a staff member, say $65,000 a year at 40 hours a week, and we save 30+ hours a week on things that are now done automatically. That’s what we’re saving.

Automate Your Tasks

Tour operator life is complicated Use a booking platform that simplifies it.

Automate Your Tasks

Tour operator life is complicated Use a booking platform that simplifies it.