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Get Noticed and Sell More Trips With Reviews

Show customers why you’re the best guiding company out there—without lifting a finger.

“Every now and then I’ll check our reviews and they’re super authentic. They’re people who wanted to leave a review and I really appreciate the authenticity rather than harassing them for a review. I think it’s really cool that Origin takes care of it and I don’t do anything.”

Ryan Scott


Atlantic Climbing School

Get Noticed and Sell More Trips With Reviews

Show customers why you’re the best guiding company out there—without lifting a finger.

“Every now and then I’ll check our reviews and they’re super authentic. They’re people who wanted to leave a review and I really appreciate the authenticity rather than harassing them for a review. I think it’s really cool that Origin takes care of it and I don’t do anything.”

Ryan Scott


Atlantic Climbing School

“Every now and then I’ll check our reviews and they’re super authentic. They’re people who wanted to leave a review and I really appreciate the authenticity rather than harassing them for a review. I think it’s really cool that Origin takes care of it and I don’t do anything.”

Ryan Scott


Atlantic Climbing School

Make it easy for your customers to leave reviews

Use Origin’s automated messaging to request reviews from past customers using their registered contact information. We’ll text or email your guests a one-click review link for their trip and guide.

Show your clients they can trust you

93% of global travelers said online reviews influence their booking decisions. Embed your Origin reviews on your website to show off all those 5-star reviews. Potential customers will see for themselves how amazing your trips are and will more likely book knowing other people liked your trip.

Upgrade the quality of reviews

Origin verifies your guests’ identity to prevent spammy or irrelevant reviews because there’s nothing worse than a 1-star review by someone who never went on your trip which lowers your overall rating.

Display reviews on your website

Showcase how incredible your tour company and guides really are, your professionalism, and your ability to change your clients’ lives through adventures with the Origin review widget. This no-code widget seamlessly integrates with your website and shows all your previous guests’ comments about their experience.

Automate review requests

Want reviews but hate to ask for them yourself? Or maybe you’re just too busy and there are a million other tasks that want your attention. Origin requests reviews from previous guests after their trip via SMS and email with a gentle reminder one week later.

Compare Origin and Other Reservation System Review Capabilities

Looking for alternatives to your current booking system?

Origin streamlines the entire booking process—from booking to reviewing.

big logo
Other Reservation Systems
Built-In Digital Liability Waivers
Customizable Waivers
No Cost To Use
No Start-Up Fee
Pre-Arrival Notifications To Guides And Admins For Unsigned Waivers
Pre-Arrival Reminder Emails To Customers
Follow-Up Emails After Trip
Customer Management
Unlimited Waivers At No Additional Cost

Interested in a personalized guided tour of the Origin platform?

Schedule an intro call with our team.

Compare Origin and Other Reservation System Review Capabilities

Looking for alternatives to your current booking system?

Origin streamlines the entire booking process—from booking to reviewing.

big logo
Other Reservation Systems
Built-In Digital Liability Waivers
Customizable Waivers
No Cost To Use
No Start-Up Fee
Pre-Arrival Notifications To Guides And Admins For Unsigned Waivers
Pre-Arrival Reminder Emails To Customers
Follow-Up Emails After Trip
Customer Management
Unlimited Waivers At No Additional Cost

Interested in a personalized guided tour of the Origin platform?

Schedule an intro call with our team.

Review FAQs

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We add up all the ratings and divide them by the number of reviews. Nothing sneaky.

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Only customers who’ve created accounts on Origin are able to leave reviews. Our system confirms their booking confirmation, what guides were on that trip, and for which listing and company.

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Nope! All the tools within the Origin platform are free to use.

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Absolutely! In fact, Origin offers tools created specifically for requesting reviews from your customers. We’ll automatically message your customers after their trip requesting a review with a one-click link for their specific trip and guide. You can also customize automated emails to request reviews pre- or post-trip.

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There are three easy ways you can integrate Origin with your website, no coding required!

1. Copy and paste one simple link to embed our booking calendar widget alongside other content already on your trips’ pages. When a customer books, the fast & easy checkout opens automatically on your website without leaving the page (on desktop or mobile).

2. If you’re in a rush or don’t have time to build out your website, you can copy and paste the link to your pre-made Listing pages into a “Book Now” button on your website. This will open up the Listing page in a new tab, but the Listing pages are already designed for you with the details and images you provide when you set them up.

3. Sometimes website building platforms make changes that could impact our newest booking calendar widget. If you’re using one of these platforms and things don’t look quite right, we can supply you with our previous version of the widget that looks exactly the same as the new one, but does open the checkout page in a new tab.

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