Digital Marketing For Outdoor Adventure Guides

As a guide, you’re busy running operations, tracking down guides, and making sure your guests have an amazing experience. You’d like more business but you don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to learning about digital marketing.

Covering everything from paid search, to social media, to affiliate marketing, this book will give you a jumpstart on finding more clients while doing what you do best—guiding.

What’s Inside

Chapter 1

Chapter 6

Intro To Digital Marketing

Content Marketing

An overview of digital marketing, how it differs from traditional, the various channels, and why it’s important for your business.

A primer on content marketing and four advantages of using it in your digital marketing.

Chapter 2

Chapter 7

The Buyer's Journey

Social Media Marketing

Learn how to use the stages of the buyer’s journey in adventure tourism to sell more experiences through digital marketing.

Read about the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing and how you can use this for your marketing.

Chapter 3

Chapter 8

Search Engine Optimization

Email Marketing

How to start using SEO for your tour guiding business.

People spend 2.5 hours every day checking their email. Learn about email marketing and make sure yours is one they’re reading.

Chapter 4

Chapter 9

Display Advertising

Affiliate Marketing

Read an overview of display advertising to assess whether or not it’s worth it for your guiding business to incorporate into your marketing.

Using affiilate marketing to generate more bookings and compete locally.

Chapter 5

Chapter 10

Paid Search

Key Takeaways

A good tool to use for operators looking for quick results with a specific audience.

Summary of points and final thoughts.