What Has Atlantic Climbing School Learned About Their Solution So Far?

The Situation
A broken, manual booking process that needs fixing.
After buying Atlantic Climbing School, Ryan quickly realized the previous owners refused to embrace new technology. They didn’t want to adapt to the modern way of booking trips. They thought, “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.”
But their booking process was “broke.” Customers emailed to book a course. The previous owners wrote their customer’s credit card information on paper to charge customers manually later. They’d call and email their guides to schedule them for courses.
“It always ended up in a bazillion interactions back and forth,” Ryan told us.
The previous owners didn’t understand the benefits of using an online booking platform. Ryan needed a better booking process. He wasn’t okay with the status quo.

The Snag
Too many moving pieces and people, not enough hours in the day
Atlantic Climbing School knows how to welcome an abundance of different clients. From six-year-olds enjoying their first rock climbing adventure to skilled climbers looking to improve their climbing technique, their mission is to provide a safe, fun, and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Ryan told us, “We’d have 10 courses booked at 8:30 AM and suddenly there are 60 people in our small office. So, then I’d make a bunch of phone calls to move people 15 minutes before or after. It’s hard to manage, given our physical landscape.”
They needed a system that’d prevent overbookings, take reservations online (so they could get out of the office), accommodate various courses, and make it easier to schedule guides.
The Solution
An Online Booking And Scheduling Platform Working For Them While They Sleep
Before Origin, Atlantic Climbing School feared change. Atlantic Climbing School wrote credit card numbers on paper. They could only take bookings in-office. And there were “a bazillion customer interactions back and forth” because customers had no other way to reserve a course with them.
Now, Ryan saves “a million hours and the million emails of talking to people back and forth.” With Origin’s 24/7 online booking, customers are reserving courses outside of their business hours. “Now I wake up and three courses were booked overnight while I was sleeping.”
Ryan has been able to use Origin’s built-in digital waivers to help decrease printing costs and environmental impact. With the automatic guide assignment tool, he makes fewer calls to let them know their course assignments. “The guides just go in and they check their stuff. And that’s really cool. The communication for that stuff has been way easier.”

Origin Q&A With Ryan At Atlantic Climbing School
Customizations and the vibe of chatting with the team. I really got to know everyone through the video interviews. We talked about our needs and what you could do. I really believed in what you guys could do and it’s been neat to see it come to fruition.
It’s been really great to even be gone for the holiday. We were closed for two weeks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s and to still see reservations come through and see everything happen without us having to be here has been really great.
Nope! It is totally free to start using Origin or to create an account.
No, we don’t take commissions from you. The only fees you pay are the payment processing fees to Stripe when someone books, which are 2.9% + 30¢. Your customers pay a Service Fee which is how Origin makes money. You can choose to pay this Service Fee yourself, in part or in whole.
<span data-buffer="">Automate Your Tasks<span data-metadata="">
Tour operator life is complicated Use a booking platform that simplifies it.
<span data-buffer="">Automate Your Tasks<span data-metadata="">
Tour operator life is complicated Use a booking platform that simplifies it.