Intro to Multipitch


Golden, Colorado

Group Size

Max 4 people


0 hours

Course Description: ​​This one-day clinic is designed for participants who are ready to build upon their knowledge of sport and traditional climbing to expand into multipitch settings. This clinic will help both sport and traditional climbers build a skill set to lead and follow multipitch routes efficiently, and will cover: 

  • advanced anchor techniques
  • efficient belay transitions 
  • rope management
  • belaying from above 
  • communication on multipitch climbs
  • managing multiplerappels
  • basic self rescue 

We recommend getting additional practice and 1:1 time with a guide to hone in your craft. As a thank you for registering for this clinic, and wanting you to get more practice with a professional, we offer this 1:1 time discounted by 30%. 

Participant Requirements: Participants are required to feel confident either leading sport climbing or traditional climbing single pitches, comfortably climb 5.9 without falling, and hike less than a mile on varied terrain with a pack on. 

Investment: $175-270. Yes, it's on a sliding scale. We know that financial barriers exist for quality rock climbing education and experiences. And we want women + genderqueer climbers who want to attend our events to have the opportunity to come, regardless of their financial status.  As such, She Sends Collective implemented a sliding scale model for ALL of our Outdoor Education Programs, Camp + Climb, and Climb + Coffee events that started in 2020.

We want to make the process simple and trust based. We trust that individuals will be truthful about their financial situations, and will allow this program to serve those who need it. Running this program is difficult and costly for us at a foundational level. And worth it when you are being truthful. 

Here's a loose guideline to help you decide where you might fall on the sliding scale: 

  • I am financially comfortable and ablde to support SSC's sliding scale model for future participants (this includes a $20 donation that goes directly to our sliding scale fund) = $270 
  • I can affort regular weekend trips and their associated costs = $250
  • I can afford or save up for occasional weekend trips and their associated costs = $200-$225
  • I can pay for basicc needs, and some luxury items = $175-$200 OR reach out about a payment plan
  • It can be hard to pay rent and cover other basic necessities = please reach out directly to We want to help if we are able to.