Climb + Coffee - September


Golden, Colorado

Group Size

Max 14 people


3 hours

Climb + Coffee is a series (8 total for the year) of community events for women and gender-queer climbers who want a 'happy-hour' social climbing event that takes place outdoors, with coffee, fresh baked pastries from Moxie Bread Co, and some free swag to take home. These events occur once per month, from March - October, on a Sunday morning! 

This event will start at 8:15am, and conclude at 11:30pm. 

These events raise money to create more sustainability for our unique sliding scale offered to women + genderqueer climbers for all of our Outdoor Educational Clinics, Camp + Climb events, and Retreats. By offering a sliding scale for education, we are creating more accessibility into high quality rock climbing education for historically disenfranchised demographics within our community. Climb + Coffee is also offered on a sliding scale model. 

Climb + Coffee events run for 3 hours each and are open to all levels and experiences of climbers. You do not need to have knowledge of outdoor climbing systems to join as our guides set up all top-ropes ahead of time. You only need to bring your personal climbing gear (shoes, harness, and helmet if you have one). All ropes, quickdraws, etc will be provided, however if you want to lead (permitted only if you are lead certified in a gym already) you must bring your own rope and quickdraws. 

All events take place at climbing crags within Jefferson County, Boulder County, or Staunton State Park.