Ski Mountaineering Clinic

Group Size

6 people per guide


16 hours

Course Description:

The goal of this course is for ladies to learn the essential skills in order to be independent in the mountains (and have loads of fun while doing it). This, in and of itself, is an empowering concept. This experience is not simply about scaling heights; it is about tapping into your inner strength and embracing the adventure of a lifetime, and just as importantly, opening doors for yourself to pursue mountain activities more independently in the future.

On this two day course, you will learn and practice the essential skills for taking on bigger objectives on skis. From rappelling on skis to building ski anchors, these skills will serve to keep you safe and prepared in more complex terrain.

We will meet at a designated location in the Mount Baker area on both mornings. Each day we will tackle new skills, and practice what has been covered.

This clinic is largely focused on providing a space for individuals to gain coaching and experience in areas they feel weakest in. While we have a general curriculum that we will go through, additional topics can be added, and specific areas can be focused on with each individual.

This clinic is not objective based, meaning that you will not be thrown into hazardous terrain you might not yet feel comfortable in. We will work up to bigger ski lines depending on the comfort level of the individuals.