Introduction to Trad Climbing

Group Size

2 people per guide


2 days

Program Overview

This two-day course provides participants with a comprehensive introduction to the world of trad climbing, equipping them with essential skills, techniques, and knowledge to pursue this exhilarating style of climbing with confidence and safety.

Program Highlights

Hands-on learning with expert instructors in a small group setting.

Practical application of trad climbing skills on actual routes.

Emphasis on safety, communication, and risk management.

Introduction to lead climbing and building gear anchors.

Realistic scenarios to build confidence in trad climbing techniques.

Beautiful Mount Erie as a stunning learning environment.


Day 0:

Zoom chat which addresses needed equipment, necessary training, and any other topics of interest before going into the course.

Day 1: Foundations of Trad Climbing

Welcome and Introductions: Participants meet the instructors and fellow climbers, review the course agenda, and discuss safety protocols.

Gear Familiarization: Introduction to essential trad climbing gear, including cams, nuts, slings, and harnesses. Explanation of their uses and proper handling.

Safety Briefing: Overview of risk management, communication signals, and safety procedures specific to trad climbing.

Knots and Anchors: Instruction on tying fundamental knots for trad climbing, along with building secure top-rope anchors using natural features.

Belaying Techniques: Practice of traditional belaying techniques and procedures, emphasizing communication between climbers and belayers.

Climbing Techniques: Demonstrations and hands-on practice of efficient climbing techniques for different types of cracks, chimneys, and faces.

Placing Protection: Introduction to the art of placing protection (cams and nuts) in cracks. Emphasis on proper placements and evaluation of rock quality.

Lead Climbing Basics: Overview of lead climbing principles, including lead belaying, clipping, and rope management.

Mock Lead Climbing: Participants practice mock lead climbing on pre-placed protection under the guidance of instructors.

Q&A and Group Discussion: Review of the day's lessons and an opportunity for participants to ask questions and clarify concepts.

Day 2: Practical Application and Advanced Skills

Recap and Warm-up: Brief review of Day 1's topics and a warm-up climbing session to reinforce skills.

Building Gear Anchors: In-depth instruction on building multi-point gear anchors for trad climbing using a variety of placements.

Route Selection: Guidance on choosing appropriate trad climbing routes based on difficulty, protection opportunities, and personal skill level.

Rappelling Techniques: Teaching the fundamentals of safe rappelling techniques and procedures from different types of anchors.

Lead Climbing Practice: Participants have the opportunity to lead climb on select routes, placing their own protection and experiencing realistic lead climbing scenarios.

Emergency Scenarios: Discussion and role-playing of potential emergency situations, including partner rescue techniques and communication strategies.

Advanced Techniques: Introduction to advanced trad climbing techniques such as "cleaning" protection, rope management on longer pitches, and managing rope drag.

Course Conclusion: Final group discussion to recap the course, share personal experiences, and celebrate achievements.

Certificates and Next Steps: Distribution of course completion certificates and recommendations for further practice and skill development.